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How To Safely Clean Fine Jewelry
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onJust in case you are, oh, say, quarantined during a pandemic, or otherwise prevented from getting to your local jeweler to have your jewels cleaned, here's how you can do it at home, safely. It won't be quite as good as a professional, but it will hold you over until you can get to your local professional jeweler.
Here's what you'll need -
Dish soap or glass cleaner. Any kind will do, just nothing abrasive. Plain and simple (and cheap) work best. (Or jewelry cleaner from your local jeweler :)).
A Toothbrush - Any kind will do, but preferably soft or extra soft. A Sonicare toothbrush is ideal! I keep an old head just for cleaning jewelry.
A lint-free cotton, or microfiber cloth. You can also use a cotton bath towel. Or, a professional jewelry cloth from your local jeweler! :)
Since you will be doing this in a sink, prepare things before getting your jewelry too close.
Run the water until it is hot. Not too hot. If you can't hold your hand under the water, it's too hot. Next, close the drain! This is the most important part of the entire process! In fact, put a folded wash cloth over the drain, because your jewelry will be very slippery, and will most likely drop it. And this is a jewelry cleaning lesson, not a jewelry finding lesson.
Now, if you have been quarantined for an extended period, or if it has been a long time since your last cleaning, a pre-soak will be helpful. The glass cleaner would be ideal for this. At least an hour, but overnight works as well.
Then scrub with the toothbrush, especially underneath. Rinse with warm water, and dry with the lint free cotton, or microfiber cloth. OR, the professional jewelry cloth! :) Finally, blow out any excess liquid that might be trapped in the nooks. And there you go!
Your jewelry will also be disinfected, as the soap breaks apart any viruses and bacteria present. Which comes in handy during a pandemic!
And now for the most important things - the caveats, warnings, and exclusions.
If your jewelry contains Emeralds, Pearls, Opals, Tanzanite, or Idon'tknows, skip all of the previously outlined steps, and accept that your jewelry will just be dirty until you can get to your professional jeweler. For sensitive gems and pearls, the best you can do is wipe them with a cloth, like the professional jewelry cloth! :)
Something missing from your do-it-yourself cleaning, is the checking. Your professional jeweler will check all of the prongs, and ensure all of the gems are tight. We recommend a professional check-up of your jewels at least twice a year. Especially the jewelry you wear every day, like your engagement and wedding rings.
That's all there is to it! If you found this useful, feel free to share it. And please let us know if you have any comments or questions! Stay Sparkly!

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